Through the Sustainable Building Materials and Technologies-focused Open Solicitation, the Army seeks to collaborate with potentially valuable small business innovators and create an opportunity to expand the relevance of the Army SBIR Program to companies that do not normally compete for SBIR awards.
The Army CONUS and OCONUS ubiquitously use building materials and technologies. They account for a significant percentage of the overall Army carbon/climate footprint. This Sustainable Building Materials and Technologies topic seeks to address this carbon intensive aspect of military operations through disruptive materials, logistics and technologies from a life-cycle assessment (LCA) perspective to meet the goals of the Department of Defense Climate Adaptation plan and Army Climate Strategy.
While the Sustainable Building Materials and Technologies Open Solicitation will accept proposals on any technical challenge requiring an application to reduce lifecycle fossil fuel consumption and emissions, it will focus on submissions tackling the applications of those technologies in enduring facilities and infrastructure on installations, low-logistics contingency construction applications and the following technical areas:
Phase I
Phase I will cover an anticipated 6-month period to deliver a proof of technical feasibility. Phase I submission materials include:
Post-Phase I Deliverables include:
Proposers interested in submitting a Direct to Phase II proposal must provide documentation to substantiate that the technology meets the scientific, technical merit and feasibility described above. Businesses must also describe potential military and commercial applications. Documentation should include all relevant information such as technical reports, test data, prototype designs/models and performance goals/results.
Phase II
Phase II will produce prototype solutions targeted toward construction and other Army sustainability requirements. Businesses should vet these solutions through standard testing procedures and modeling prioritizing mechanical/structural performance, lifecycle durability, lifecycle sustainability and an understanding of lifecycle cost factors. Prototypes will focus on demonstrating technology at scale, which includes requirements for design and specifications that can easily transition for adoption by the Army. In addition, companies will provide a technology transition and commercialization plan for DoD and commercial markets.
Phase III
Phase III will complete the maturation of the company’s technology developed in Phase II to TRL 6/7 and produce prototypes to support further development and commercialization. The Army will evaluate each product in a realistic field environment and provide solutions to stakeholders for further evaluation. Based on technical evaluations in the field, companies must update the previously delivered prototypes to meet final design configuration.
Submission Information
For more information, and to submit your full proposal package, visit the DSIP Portal.
Through the Sustainable Building Materials and Technologies-focused Open Solicitation, the Army seeks to collaborate with potentially valuable small business innovators and create an opportunity to expand the relevance of the Army SBIR Program to companies that do not normally compete for SBIR awards.
The Army CONUS and OCONUS ubiquitously use building materials and technologies. They account for a significant percentage of the overall Army carbon/climate footprint. This Sustainable Building Materials and Technologies topic seeks to address this carbon intensive aspect of military operations through disruptive materials, logistics and technologies from a life-cycle assessment (LCA) perspective to meet the goals of the Department of Defense Climate Adaptation plan and Army Climate Strategy.
While the Sustainable Building Materials and Technologies Open Solicitation will accept proposals on any technical challenge requiring an application to reduce lifecycle fossil fuel consumption and emissions, it will focus on submissions tackling the applications of those technologies in enduring facilities and infrastructure on installations, low-logistics contingency construction applications and the following technical areas:
Phase I
Phase I will cover an anticipated 6-month period to deliver a proof of technical feasibility. Phase I submission materials include:
Post-Phase I Deliverables include:
Proposers interested in submitting a Direct to Phase II proposal must provide documentation to substantiate that the technology meets the scientific, technical merit and feasibility described above. Businesses must also describe potential military and commercial applications. Documentation should include all relevant information such as technical reports, test data, prototype designs/models and performance goals/results.
Phase II
Phase II will produce prototype solutions targeted toward construction and other Army sustainability requirements. Businesses should vet these solutions through standard testing procedures and modeling prioritizing mechanical/structural performance, lifecycle durability, lifecycle sustainability and an understanding of lifecycle cost factors. Prototypes will focus on demonstrating technology at scale, which includes requirements for design and specifications that can easily transition for adoption by the Army. In addition, companies will provide a technology transition and commercialization plan for DoD and commercial markets.
Phase III
Phase III will complete the maturation of the company’s technology developed in Phase II to TRL 6/7 and produce prototypes to support further development and commercialization. The Army will evaluate each product in a realistic field environment and provide solutions to stakeholders for further evaluation. Based on technical evaluations in the field, companies must update the previously delivered prototypes to meet final design configuration.
Submission Information
For more information, and to submit your full proposal package, visit the DSIP Portal.